Conflict of Interest Avoidance, Disclosure, & Documentation
Work With a Dallas Nonprofit Attorney Today
When creating or managing a nonprofit organization, it is vital that you avoid any conflict of interest. When these matters do arise or have to be dealt with, Perliski Law Group is ready to step in and provide the legal counsel needed during this time. A conflict of interest occurs when an officer or director of a nonprofit personally profits or has personal interest in a transaction taking place.
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If this is the case, the transaction will be "tainted", unless either full disclosure was made and authorization or ratification is obtained or, the transaction appears fair to the organization. Disclosure and approval can be gained from the board of directors or members of the nonprofit, depending on the structure.
An example of a conflict of interest would be if an individual served as a director for more than one nonprofit organization and both organizations engaged in a transaction. Since a director has indirect interest in a transaction if they have material or financial interest in the other party involved.
Importance of Conflict of Interest Policies
A written conflict of interest policy is a cornerstone of effective nonprofit governance. It provides clear guidelines for identifying, disclosing, and addressing potential conflicts, ensuring the organization operates with integrity and transparency. Such a policy serves several critical purposes:
- Maintains Transparency: By requiring full disclosure of potential conflicts, the policy reassures stakeholders, including donors, members, and the public, that decisions are made objectively and in the best interest of the nonprofit.
- Protects Reputation: Nonprofits rely on public trust to secure funding and support. A well-drafted conflict of interest policy demonstrates a commitment to ethical conduct, safeguarding the organization’s reputation against allegations of favoritism or self-dealing.
- Ensures Ethical Decision-Making: A clear policy helps board members, officers, and staff navigate complex situations, reducing the likelihood of biased decisions that could harm the organization.
- Prevents Legal and Financial Risks: Addressing conflicts proactively minimizes the risk of disputes, regulatory scrutiny, or lawsuits stemming from perceived or actual conflicts.
- Facilitates Accountability: The policy creates a documented process for managing conflicts, which can be reviewed and audited to ensure ongoing compliance with nonprofit standards.

Protecting Your Company with a Conflict of Interest Policy
A properly drafted conflict of interest policy can be an essential document for new and old nonprofits alike. This policy can be used to shield and protect the interests of your exempt organization when it enters into conflicting transactions. It can also protect officers and directors from personal liability, ensuring that every situation is handled in the best way possible.
When you have this policy in writing, it is valuable to have the board members or other important figures review it at least once a year. It may also be helpful to discuss situations that may result in a conflict of interest in order to keep everyone aware of potential problems. Overall, the policy should be clear and direct, laying out specific requirements for how any conflict should be handled.
If you are unsure about the policy your nonprofit has in place or still need to draft one, our Dallas nonprofit lawyer is here to help. Feel free to call our firm at any time to schedule a free consultation.

Share Your Vision with UsWe have over 30 years of experience in nonprofit formation and are here to help you achieve your vision.
We Offer Flat Fee ServicesOur flat fees ensure that our services remain accessible to churches, charities and other nonprofits.
We Provide Ongoing SupportOnce your nonprofit filing is complete, our job doesn't end. Our nonprofit formation services include 12 months of support and training for the board of directors to ensure you are fully prepared.
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!
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